Join us as we celebrate where we’ve come from, what Rotman Commerce is today and where we’re excited to be heading next – together.

Message from our Deans

One woman on the left standing with a black and white background and one woman standing on the right with a wood background that reads Office of the Dean.
Rotman School of Management Dean Susan Christoffersen (left); Faculty of Arts & Science Dean Melanie Woodin (right)
100 years. A remarkable milestone in our ever-evolving history.

On the sunny day of June 6, 1924, the first seven graduates of the University of Toronto’s undergraduate business program now known as Rotman Commerce walked across the stage at Convocation Hall and received their diplomas.

While Rotman Commerce has never stopped growing and evolving to keep pace with change, a shared purpose connects that first handful of graduates to the multifaceted Rotman Commerce of today. This was well stated decades ago by Charles Allen Ashley, who led the program from 1934 to 1952: “…to turn out graduates who can expect to apply themselves with success to the task of learning a business quickly, of becoming good citizens, and of living a full life.”

As we celebrate this milestone, we are grateful to our community for making Rotman Commerce what it is today and for helping us shape our tomorrow. We are a community that has grown more diverse and globally connected. One that delivers an innovative and unique academic experience — combining the world-renowned breadth and depth of expertise of both the University of Toronto’s Faculty of Arts & Science and the Rotman School of Management. We have an alumni network that collectively shares insights, provides mentorship and invests in a new generation. And just as importantly, we have a group of leaders, changemakers and innovators who champion Rotman Commerce for leading the way.

Together, we celebrate a century of building the future.

Susan Christoffersen
Dean, Rotman School of Management

Melanie Woodin
Dean, Faculty of Arts & Science

The tenets that bring us together

Within the unique plethora of perspectives that may be found in the past one hundred years, there are four key throughlines that stand out as tying our collective efforts together – our long history of keeping pace with change; the many ways we connect our network to opportunity; our diverse and growing community; and the continued momentum that’s propelling us into the future. 

Growing community

Our community is more inclusive than ever, welcoming people of diverse identities and points of view. But all graduates, past and present, have made the same journey from uncertainty to understanding to rewarding collaboration. We share the pride that comes through tackling challenges together and applying what we’ve learned in the world.

A diverse group of people standing together and smiling.
Students dressed in graduation gowns walking in a line with a group of people on the right cheering them on with black inflatable noisemakers.

Transforming tomorrow

Our centenary is a chance to look back and see where we’ve come from, celebrating the milestones of progress. But it’s equally a celebration of where we are today – and how we’ll continue building and gaining momentum to create an even better tomorrow.

Connecting opportunities

A top-ranked commerce program integrated with a leading business school and the arts and science faculty of a respected global university – at the heart of Canada’s commercial and financial capital – these are the dimensions of opportunity that connect Rotman Commerce to the world and shape the unique quality of education we deliver.

An intersection on St. George Street with many pedestrians in the foreground and a tall building in the background.
Two people wearing pink Rotman Commerce shirts and holding a paper between them that says ‘#RCWIB Fashion’.

Building for change

Change doesn’t just happen. It’s something you build toward, grounding bold moves in proven approaches and time-tested insights. This is what our graduates have been doing for a century. And it’s how those who follow them will continue building the future.

Our Stories

Explore some of the stories that have made Rotman Commerce what it is today and will shape where we are going tomorrow. Check back often as we share our stories through this year of celebration. 

Share your memories

An early example of "computer dating"

“My wife, Judy, and I were enrolled in Commerce and Finance, Class of 7T2. One of our courses was computer science. The language we were being taught was Fortran. In those days the computer that everyone used was located in the Engineering Building. The computer took up half the building and was operated by a staff of students. Input was by punch cards. There were several punch card machines in the Engineering Building but demand exceeded availability. So we would punch our cards and run our programmes around 11:00 PM in the evening. Then Judy and I would walk home to Bloor Street. That’s when we became a couple. So I believe we were one of the first examples of computer dating.”

Donald Orr, BCom ’72

I was able to share and assist

“As a 2021 graduate of Rotman Commerce, my journey has been about translating classroom knowledge into tangible actions in finance. This commitment drives my work at RBC Capital Markets and led me to co-found ATG Alternative Investments Inc., manifesting my passion for creating innovative financial opportunities.

A highlight of my university career was serving as a keynote speaker at a University of Toronto Business Association event. I was privileged to share my insights and experiences as an intern at RBC Capital Markets and also the journey of starting ATG. This engagement with the student community, particularly in guiding first-year students, was an enriching experience that underscored the importance of mentorship and leadership in my path.”

Sourabh, BCom ’21

Cement building with green trees in front.

All-nighter at Robarts

“In my first year, a couple of friends and I pulled an all-nighter at Robarts to prepare for a dreaded RSM230 midterm. Complete with pizza and caffeine, we spent the next nine hours revising. Despite the lingering back pain and delirium, we made our way to the exam centre, and this remains one of my favourite memories at Rotman Commerce. We were all in it together.”

Martina Mercado Such, BCom ’23 

Happy 100, RC!

Rotman was the place where my professional and personal change started! From hustling through online classes to being back on campus and attending classes with masks on post-Covid, one thing I will always cherish is how perseverant everyone was. Looking back, my favorite memory will be the grind. There is an implicit understanding between RC students that we are in for a rollercoaster, but everyone is keen to be on the ride. Honestly, that’s what I liked.


I have worked on projects and assignments till 2 in the morning and wondered Why me?, but all made sense when I turned my tassel in Con Hall last summer. All of it was possible because of the connection I had with my profs and friends. Let it be the corridor talks, office hours, or 10 min breaks with professors or hitting cafes, or doing activities with friends, everything had its own joy.


Happy 100, RC!

Nitya Gupta, BCom ’21

Friendships and experiences I've gained will last a lifetime

As an international student, I arrived at Rotman Commerce feeling alone and uncertain. But over the course of four years, I made countless friends and memories that will stay with me forever. One particularly valuable experience was my time as a lab assistant at the Finance Lab and the volunteering experience at Rotman International Trading Competition. It was an incredible opportunity to meet students from all over the world who shared my passion for finance. Through the long days and sleepless nights, I worked alongside my fellow volunteers and lab assistants and developed new friendships. Thanks to Rotman Commerce, I was able to explore my interests and passions in a supportive and engaging environment, and I now have the skills and experience to pursue my dream career. Looking back on my time at Rotman, I feel grateful and proud to have been part of such an incredible community, and I know that the friendships and experiences I’ve gained will last a lifetime.

Crystal Lou, BCom ’17 

Students holding a Let's Go Commerce sign at a game

What about you?

All-night study sesh? The game you never thought you’d win? That time when you got your first internship?

Share your memories of Rotman Commerce! Whether you’re an 8T5 or a 2T5, tell us about your favourite experience, class, professor, spot on campus, moment from a student group or any special recollection. 

Ready for fame? Your contribution may appear on Rotman Commerce materials, including this website and/or Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn.

Our History

Explore highlights from our history and learn how Rotman Commerce got its start, evolved to keep pace with society’s changes and transformed into what it is today. 

It all began with political economy

William Ashley (later to become Sir William Ashley) is appointed the University’s first Professor of Political Economy and Constitutional History, a move that indicated the institution’s burgeoning interest in teaching economics and finance.

William Ashley (courtesy University of Birmingham)
Industry asks for more

James Mavor, William Ashley's successor, introduces the first formal post-secondary recognition of commerce at U of T, creating a two-year diploma course in the subject at the request of the Toronto Board of Trade and the Canadian Manufacturer’s Association.

James Mavor (courtesy University of Toronto Archives)
Once, it was a BA

Students at the University can now enroll in a four-year honours course in Commerce and Finance, culminating in a Bachelor of Arts degree.

Birth of the U of T BCom
New Commerce Course has lured twenty-five frosh.

The Bachelor of Commerce degree is established and 25 students enroll. The program falls under both the Faculty of Arts and the Department of Political Economy.

The Varsity article, 1920 (courtesy University of Toronto Archives)
Our first home
Black and white photo with large group of people with the front row sitting in chairs and the two back rows standing. They are standing in front of a building with a front porch.

The program’s first home is Baldwin House (now known as Cumberland House) on 33 St. George Street. Baldwin House was home to the Political Economy Department and all Commerce classes and Commerce Club activities were held in this building.

The Political Economy faculty in front of Baldwin House, 1933
 (courtesy University of Toronto Archives)
The beginning of student life
Black and white photo of a group of men in suits standing by steps outside of a building.

The Commerce Club is formed as the official representative organization of the new course in Commerce. Over the next five decades, the Commerce Club plays a central role in Commerce student life, but it wasn’t until 1957 that women were admitted as members.

The first Commerce Club, 1920 (courtesy University of Toronto Archives)
The first graduates

On June 6, 1924, the first University of Toronto students to earn Bachelor of Commerce degrees receive their diplomas at Convocation Hall – seven graduates in total (six men and one woman).

1924 class composite (courtesy University of Toronto Archives)
Once a leader, always a leader
Black and white photo of a group of men in suits.

Gilbert Jackson (pictured front row, second from the left) becomes the first Director of the Commerce & Finance course. Jackson later served as the first economist for the Bank of Nova Scotia, before becoming Advisor to the Governors of the Bank of England.

Commerce Club executive members, 1930 (courtesy University of Toronto Archives)
Exponential growth for Commerce

The Commerce program becomes the largest course in the Arts Department, growing from seven graduates to nearly 100 in just four years.

Lean years begin
Depression party for the financiers Royal York will stage "Bargain-Price" Dance Exams cancelled for it.

The American stock market crash signals the beginning of the Great Depression in Canada. The impacts of the economic slump are felt by educational institutions across the nation, including the Commerce program. The depression also had a significant impact on student life, with many student organizations scaling back on the number and size of campus events.

The Varsity article, 1933 (courtesy University of Toronto Archives)
Beginning a tradition of support

The first Commerce and Finance scholarship is established. The S.R. Parsons scholarship was gifted to the student W.G. French by S.R. Parsons, Esq. at a value of $250.

Women's Commerce Club is formed
Black and white photo of a group of women looking at camera.

Ten years after the male-exclusive Commerce Club was introduced, women in the program, wanting to have the same opportunities as their male colleagues, form the Women’s Commerce Club.

Members of the Women's Commerce Club, 1934
(courtesy University of Toronto Archives)
A springboard for ideas
The Commerce Journal Published by The University of Toronto Commerce Club March 1933

The Commerce Club publishes its first issue of the Commerce Journal during the height of the Great Depression.

First edition of the Commerce Journal
(courtesy University of Toronto Archives)
Moving on up
Black and white photo of a large brick building with steeples.

The Commerce program outgrows Baldwin House and moves to the Economics Building at 273 Bloor St. West (now the Royal Conservatory of Music).

The Economics Building, 1953 
(courtesy University of Toronto Archives)
“We shall fight on the beaches…”
August 19, 1945. Pte A.W Buie. Lat.Can.Para.Bn. Niagara on the Lake My dear Buie: I was very glad to hear that you were safely back in Canada, and that you hope to return to the University to complete the course you interrupted to join the army. As you know, the year begins on September 25, and I hope that you will be free by then, as you will otherwise be at some disadvantage in the course. I do not know what steps should be taken, but if you wish me to write officially to your Commanding Officer urging your quick release, I shall be happy to do this. Your sincerely, CAA

WWII has a significant impact on the Commerce program, as many faculty, staff and students temporarily leave the University to enlist. Many Commerce program staff and faculty work hard to support Commerce students serving in the army overseas.

In this 1945 letter addressed to a Commerce student serving in the army, Charles Allan Ashley offers to write a letter to their Commanding Officer to ensure that the student can return to their studies in time for the beginning of the semester. (courtesy University of Toronto Archives)
Law meets Commerce
Black and white photo of a group of people in party attire.

The Commerce Club partners with the Law Club to host the first annual Bar and Business Ball at Casa Loma, marking the first dance to be held as a co-operative venture between two different programs at the University of Toronto.

Commerce Club Bar and Business Ball, 1945 
(courtesy University of Toronto Archives)
Another kind of homecoming

Many soldiers came back after World War II to finish their degree. In 1943 the number of Commerce graduates had dwindled to only 34 but by 1948 it grew to 119.

Door opens for women

37 years after the Commerce Club's founding, women students are admitted.

Exchange program takes flight
A group of students in front of a landed airplane

The Commerce Club begins organizing an exchange program between the University of Toronto and the University of Michigan.

In 1960, Commerce Club members were flown down to Ann Arbor in a private plane by the heir of Henry Ford.
(courtesy University of Toronto Archives)
Moving into modernism
Black and white photo of concrete building.

The program moves from the Economics Building to the newly built Sidney Smith Hall.

Sidney Smith Hall, 1962 (courtesy University of Toronto Archives)
New student leadership

The Commerce Students’ Association (CSA) is formed as a means for student representation after the Commerce program leaves the Political Economy Course Union. The CSA helps to create course evaluations and oversee curriculum changes and committees.

Farewell to the Commerce Club

The Commerce Club is disbanded due to the lack of student interest and participation, and the Commerce Students’ Association takes over student life on behalf of the Commerce student body.

Accounting at the forefront

The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Ontario (ICAO) changes its mandate to specify that all future chartered accountants must be university graduates. This leads to a rise in program enrollment.

Connecting to career pathways
Black and white photo of person talking to a group of students with sign behind them that reads FACS Day.

The Commerce Students’ Association holds its first FACS Day, an event for students to learn more about career opportunities in accounting, finance and marketing while meeting with representatives from major firms and companies across Canada. The CSA, and later the Rotman Commerce Accounting Society, continued to hold FACS Day through to the mid-2000s.

FACS Day, 1996 
Commerce consultants
Black and white photo of man sitting in office with computer next to him.

ComGroup Consultants is launched at the University of Toronto with the help of Professor George Leonidas, then director of the Commerce program. Though a university-wide organization, the firm also gave Commerce students the opportunity to gain valuable experience while providing consulting services to the small business community. The firm served as a precursor to the present-day consulting group Consult for Impact.

Kevin Casey, a fourth year Commerce student, at work for ComGroup Consultants in 1986 (courtesy University of Toronto Archives)
The best of two faculties

The Department of Political Economy is dissolved, and the Department of Economics and Department of Political Science are established. The Faculty of Management now accepts the responsibility for staffing and teaching all courses in the Commerce and Finance programs that do not fall within the Faculty of Arts & Science. An agreement in 1992 makes official that the Commerce program is jointly offered by both faculties, which remains to this day.

On the move again
Concrete sign that reads Joseph L. Rotman School of Management.

The program moves from Sidney Smith Hall to the Joseph L. Rotman Centre for Management.

Rotman School of Management (courtesy Rotman School of Management)
Showing our colours
Group of people from the back wearing convocation regalia.

Commerce students may now choose to graduate with the Commerce program or with their college. The graduation regalia for Commerce is assigned its own hood colour of orange and white - the colours of both the Faculty of Arts & Science and the Faculty of Management.

Rotman Commerce regalia on display at the 2022 convocation
Pride in Commerce, Commerce for pride
Group of people standing and smiling holding rainbow pride flags.

Queers in Commerce is established as the first equity-related group in the Commerce program. It was rebranded in 2008 as Queers in Rotman Commerce and again in 2011 as the Rotman Commerce Pride Alliance (RCPA).

Members of RCPA at the 2018 Toronto Pride Parade
(courtesy RCPA Facebook page)
New space at a vibrant Toronto intersection

The Commerce program secures space for its Career Centre on the lower level of Woodsworth College at 321 Bloor Street. Two years later, the rest of the program’s administration also relocates to the main floor of Woodsworth College residence and completely vacates its space at the Rotman School of Management.

A benefactor’s gift

The Commerce program announces its new name – Rotman Commerce – thanks to a $2.5 million gift from Sandra and Joseph L. Rotman.

Joseph Rotman (courtesy Rotman School of Management)
A meeting ground
Group of people sitting listening to person standing at the front of the room.

Rotman Commerce works with Woodsworth College to transform the former “drill hall” at 119 St. George St. to a common events and study area known as Kruger Hall.

Rotman Commerce students in Kruger Hall, 2023
Empowering women in business
A group of women standing below a large banner that reads ‘Rotman Commerce Women In Business’.

Rotman Commerce Women in Business (RCWIB) is founded to assist the professional and personal development of Rotman Commerce students and promote initiatives and opportunities for women in business.

The first RCWIB executive team, 2009 (courtesy RCWIB Facebook page)
One of our own becomes chancellor
Man sitting on a desk wearing formal university regalia.

The Honourable Michael Wilson (BCom ’59), former Canadian ambassador to the United States and federal Minister of Finance, becomes U of T’s 33rd chancellor.

The Honourable Michael Wilson
(courtesy Univeristy of Toronto Office of the Chancellor)
Creating a community within a community
A group of people dressed in differently coloured shirts that read ‘Rotman Commerce Houses’ or ‘RC’.

The Rotman Commerce House System is established to foster a greater sense of community. Students are randomly assigned to one of five houses – Bedford, Devonshire, Galbraith, Harbord or Madison.

Rotman Commerce House Captains, 2023
Preparing students for startup success
Group of people standing in front of letters balloons the read LYBI.

The inaugural Launch Your Big Idea (LYBI)  student pitch competition is held. Supporting budding entrepreneurs in gaining the necessary training and resources to prepare for startup success, the program offers a chance to pitch an idea and win seed funding. Several alumni of the program have gone on to launch successful start-ups.

LYBI, 2023 (courtesy Rotman Commerce Entrepreneurship Organization & Rotman Commerce Sales Group )
The importance of visibility
Group of people standing in front a screen that reads Black Career Conference 2023.

The inaugural Black Career Conference (BCC), the first of its kind at U of T, is spearheaded by a group of Rotman Commerce students. The BCC, now organized by Black Rotman Commerce, brings together hundreds of Black students, graduates and entrepreneurs to learn from industry professionals and each other.

Black Career Conference, 2023
Fostering professionalism

The Centre for Professional Skills (CPS) is launched. CPS works to embed professional skill development throughout the curriculum across all four years of the RC degree, via teamwork initiatives, writing and presentation coaching, and more to support students in becoming engaging communicators and successful collaborators.

Two female Deans
One woman on the

Professor Susan Christoffersen is appointed Dean of the Rotman School of Management. Alongside Professor Melanie Woodin, Dean of the Faculty of Arts & Science, this marks the first time in the Rotman Commerce’s history that we are led by two female deans.

Melanie Woodin (left) & Susan Christoffersen (right)
Our community today

There is no greater indication of just how much our program has evolved than the diversity of our student body. Today, we are proud to support over 3,300 students representing 78 countries - over half of which are female and over one-third are international. These exceptional young people will soon join an alumni network of 17,700 graduates based around the world.

The 100th Rotman Commerce class graduates!

Our Community

Each month, join us as we celebrate some of the many individuals who have shaped Rotman Commerce into what it is today. 

Our Community

Click on the images to read this month's reflections from our community.

“Creating lifelong learners, who aren’t afraid to try something out of their element!”  

Farid Babayev, BCom ‘21 

Founder, BABAYEV Quant Startup Company

“Rotman Commerce program is ideal for individuals who want to lead, conquer, and simply break through the industry ceilings with innovation.”

Inez Blackburn 

Assistant Professor of Marketing, Teaching Stream 

“Rotman Commerce excels at preparing graduates for jobs that continue to evolve and in many cases for jobs that don’t exist today”

Lulu Chang , BCom ‘24

President, Rotman Commerce Entrepreneurship Organization

“The RC community has provided many opportunities for me to grow as a leader!”

Daniel Jesurum Cumberbatch, BCom ’24

President, Rotman Commerce Consulting Association 

“Rotman Commerce has allowed me to find a great group of people whom I call friends.”

Nancy Dong, BCom ‘20

Manager, Scotiabank

“I actively mentor students at Rotman Commerce.”

Kwan Ho Fok, BCom ‘14

Senior Manager, Deloitte

“Rotman Commerce has provided me with the foundational learning to start my professional career and offered me the opportunities to build long-lasting relationships…”

Iman Jaffari, BCom ’20

Articling student, Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP 

“I am grateful for the world-class education that Rotman Commerce provides.”

Sophia Lou, BCom ‘24

President, Rotman Commerce Finance Association

“Rotman Commerce has allowed me to truly pursue what I am interested in…”

Martin Ng, BCom ‘24

President, Rotman Commerce Marketing Association 

“It is the people of Rotman Commerce who have left the most profound impact on my undergraduate journey.”

Mohammed Surti, BCom ’19

Accounting and Reporting Advisory Manager, Deloitte

“The friendships and people I met at Rotman Commerce greatly assisted me not only throughout my time at the University of Toronto, but also at the workplace.”

Robin (Lipton) Taub, BCom ‘87

Founder, Robin Taub Financial Consulting

“Rotman Commerce gave me the educational foundation to…become an author and speaker focusing on financial literacy for the next generation.”

Antonia Trentadue, BCom ’01

Director of Finance, Process and Controls, Bell Canada 

“Rotman Commerce has positioned itself at the forefront of Canadian and global business…”

Our Future

A new home welcomes a new era for Rotman Commerce

As we continue to grow and welcome the best and brightest into our program each year, one critical gap remains: a physical home for our community to call its own.

For the first time in our hundred-year history, we will soon have a dedicated space on the University of Toronto’s St. George campus. This signifies a transformative moment in our growth: the creation of a central meeting place that brings together our diverse community of learners and leaders under one roof that will engender spontaneous discussions, cross-disciplinary interactions and a shared sense of purpose vital to nurturing camaraderie and collaboration.

This new multistorey structure will be situated beside the Goldring Centre on Devonshire near the Rotman School of Management. Classrooms, student activity spaces (including study rooms, social lounges, designated areas for student clubs and spaces for silent reflection), support units such as Academic and Career Services, Student Life and the Centre for Professional Skills, a large event space, a café on the ground floor and more will be housed in this state-of-the-art building.

With an open concept, warm wood tones and natural light throughout, our new space will serve as an inclusive, inspiring and inviting meeting ground that brings our community together for generations to come. 

To our students, faculty, staff, alumni, donors and friends – we look forward to welcoming you home.


This interactive exercise brought together alumni and current students to experience the power of our network and the rewards of paying it forward.

We are thrilled to be returning to Hong Kong this fall to engage with our vibrant community of alumni and friends. U of T alumni across the Rotman Commerce and Rotman School of Man

Support Us

Join us in our commitment to helping our best minds reach their potential now and far into the future.

For a hundred years, the Rotman Commerce community has invested in the potential of each new generation. As we mark our program’s centenary, we honour this tradition of philanthropy by inviting our alumni, donors and friends to make Rotman Commerce part of their own legacy.

Help us shape a brighter future for tomorrow’s transformative change-makers by supporting the Rotman Commerce 100th Anniversary Scholarship.

With your generosity, we can ensure that Rotman Commerce students are ready for anything, today and for decades to come.